Thursday, March 11, 2004

8 years left till the end of Time

i have no idea what to "blog" about. i'm sitting here having an IM conversation with someone, who at one point was very disinterested in having any kind of political discussion with me a pity i guess. no one save for maybe one person on earth actually wants to talk to me about something that i would actually enjoy talking about. ooh how self absorbed i am... i don't want to write in complete sentences it's much too fucking late for that right now.

on that note, (what note?) [i can't say shush now!]
i was never eaten all through out last week, by the mountain lion they said they saw near where i work. but i tend to see dead things at the end of the building, an odd skeleton i found once, wierd looking skull and mandible. i'm trying to think up something interesting but it's difficult not to jam pack the contents with bullshit... oh okay here's something i heard on the radio something about a site called

  • it's music/politics oriented BLOG that appeals or may appeal to ppl within my age group. i think presidential campaigns are jokes myself this one maybe more so than any other i can consciously remember. what a perfect way to end this i start out complaining about how i didnt get a politically fuelled
    convo going then i firmly establish how completely inept i am concerning such matters, with stupid meaningless opinions...blah blah blah.

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