Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Laura Ingraham and Right Thinking

So i'm listening to right wing radio, and there's Laura Ingraham with her smear campaign against eveything and everyone who doesn't fall in line with the path of the righteous man, also known as "right thinking." No one should really mind this, but when you complain day in and day out about how one-sided--left leaning--the mainstream media is, which is painfully true by the way, all while being blantantly one-sided yourself, it can get kinda bothersome. For instance last night's show had its share of contradictions, not that it had no redeeming quality, if you're LIBERAL enough you can see where sometimes they can actually make sense.
So, anyhow, last nite's show she starts off saying how the washington post's article on the march for life was written very well and without any sucker punches on the views of the people marching. Then, of course, she compares it to what she called "the march for death." Which is in reality the opposing view point of the march for life. She proceeds to take as many shots at those people and what they believe in as she can, until it's just redundant.
So Laura proves, once again, she's no better than any liberal-leaning newscast, talk-show host or article. At least she never went off like Brian Sussman did when he praised the B-2 bomber and made the comment "...Hey wouldn't that scare you from Allah to Jesus in no time?" If only everyone thought like these people we'd all be Right Thinking American Patriots who beleive in voo doo economics. God bless us everyone.

1 comment:

Amy Kelly said...

Thank you for this very entertaining rant on Laura I.! I can't stand her either...I listen to right wing radio partly to "know the enemy" and partly because some crazy part of me sometimes thinks it is FUN to get totally torked at right-wing fundamentalists. ;-)